Tennessee Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty (TNCCADP) is a network of social and political conservatives who question the alignment of capital punishment with conservative Tennessee principles and values. We believe that the death penalty is a bloated and broken government program that is not fiscally responsible nor limited government, and it also risks executing innocent people.
While Tennessee is actively carrying out executions, our state has traditionally been ambivalent about capital punishment. Death warrants and death sentences continue to decrease while conservative support for the death penalty has also decreased.
Additionally, our state continues to spend millions of dollars a year on a punishment that neither decreases violence nor insures accuracy. The 2004 Tennessee Comptroller’s “Tennessee’s Death Penalty: Costs and Consequences” report revealed that death penalty trials cost an average of 48 percent more than the average cost of trials in which prosecutors seek life imprisonment. The death penalty fails at both efficiency and results.
Conservatives in Tennessee are re-evaluating the current capital punishment system. Together, we are questioning a system marked by inefficiency, inequity and inaccuracy.
Tennessee Conservatives Concerned About the Death Penalty is a project of TADP.